Which Polis Focused Most Heavily On Military Training
Leonidas led 300 Spartans in one of historeis. Athens and Sparta were very similar in many ways but they had one major difference that divided them in history government. Which Are The Top 10 Most Powerful Military Countries In The World Quora Unique in ancient Greece for its social system and constitution Spartan society focused heavily on military training and excellence. Which polis focused most heavily on military training . 20161031 The correct answer of the given question above would be SPARTA. 201249 The Greek polis focused most heavily on military training was Sparta. Explore over 4100 video courses. The Greek polis that focused most heavily on military training is Sparta. Spartans focused mainly on developing their military while Athenians focused on. Sparta was located on. The second score was 4 less than the third score. What did she score on the second and third exam. The inhabitants of Sparta were stratified as Spartiates citizens with full rights mot...